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3D Jing De Zhen Porcelain Buddha Image (3D 景德镇陶瓷佛像)


This masterpiece of Buddha Image is handmade with porcelain in Jing De Zhen China. There are in total 812 pieces of them and will be places on the walls both left wall and right wall in the main shrine hall situated next to the main Buddha Statue in the Shrine hall of Maha Karuna Vihara.

SKU: CS-02 Category:


Dimension 尺寸      : Height 26CM x Width 17CM (高度26公分 x 宽度 17 公分)Location 所在位置  : Buddha Shrine Hall (Ground Floor) 大佛殿 (一楼)Sponsor a Buddha Statue  赞助一尊佛像 :RM3,888.00 马币三千八百八十八Ceiling Height 天花板高度 : 18 Feet (十八尺)

Please state the following phrases.

* Sponsor name will be engraved below the lotus seat of the Buddha Image


*Please keep in touch with us should you wish to choose the Buddha Image position

如您需要选择佛像的坐标点, 请与我们联系